Our Programs » GED


GED Program
General Education Development (GED) is the first step you can take to prepare yourself for higher education, technical training, attaining your High School Equivalency Diploma, or achieving a personal goal. We are an official testing center in the state of Rhode Island. We can also prepare you for pretesting, offer GED classes and administer final testing.
General Information
--- All applicants must present a current RI Driver's License or RI Picture ID or Providence ID at the time of registration for the actual GED tests.
--- Classes are offered to students 16 years old or older. Students younger than 18 years old are encouraged to contact the office for additional
--- Attendance is mandatory for the GED classes.
--- All eligible Rhode Island residents are welcome.
--- Classes follow the Cranston Public School calendar. calendar19-20.pdf
How do I get started in GED classes?
1. You will fill out an application and pay an assessment fee of $50, money order or cash, no personal checks or credit cards.
2. You will be given a series of screening tests to determine your overall skill level in the areas of reading and math.
3. Based on those scores, you will be advised of your educational plan developed within four different subjects: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.
4. Once it is determined that you should be ready for the official GED tests, we will administer GED Ready, the official practice test in, that subject.
Request a GED Transcript or GED Diploma:
If you have received a GED and you are in need of a GED transcript or a GED diploma please go to gedtestingservice.com Go to, "For Test Takers." You will be asked to register yourself then you will be able to order them online and have them mailed to wherever you need.

Completing your GED will help you prepare for future opportunities. Why put it off any longer? Call today to get a new start on your life!
​Class Registration Days and Times Day and Evening classes - call for the next registration day and time.
Class Registration Fees Assessment fee $50.00, money order or cash, no credit cards or personal checks, subject to change.
GED Testing Fee $120.00, credit card, done through GED.com
Class Schedule​ Day classes are Tuesday thru Thursday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Evening classes are Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM.
Official GED Testing Day testing is every Monday thru Thursday, 10 AM - 3:30 PM, subject to change.
Evening testing is Wednesday's 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM, starting in October, subject to change.​
Subjects The four GED tests are in the following subjects:
Reasoning Through Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies
Contact Phone 401-270-8185